An Attorney is an option for Credit Repair, or if you need to file for bankruptcy or if you are victim of identity theft.

Collection agency harassment and FDCPA violations

Contacting a Credit Repair Attorney is a good idea if you have been excessively harassed by a collection agency or if the collection agency violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices act (FDCPA). Go here to review common violations that collection agencies commit. Also learn about how you can sue a collection agency that has violated the FDCPA.

Identity Theft

A second reason you may consider using a Credit Repair Attorney would be if your a victim of identity theft and you need help getting your credit history straightened out. A Credit Repair Attorney can help guide you through the legal process of getting your credit restored to before the identity theft occurred. Learn more about Identity theft and credit repair.

Should I use an attorney if I only have a few collections?

If you simply have collections that you would like to run through the debt verification process to see if you can get them removed then a more economical approach would be to use our FREE Credit Repair Kit. The credit repair attorney will just use the same process that you can do yourself with the downloadable kit. The only difference will be that you will save hundreds and maybe even thousands of dollars by completing the task yourself.


Depending on your employment situation bankruptcy might be your best option to getting back on the right track. We always recommend bankruptcy as a last resort option since it destroys your credit rating and can’t be removed from your credit history until the statute of limitations expires 7 or 10 years??? You can always contact a bankruptcy attorney that is local to your area. This will make it easy to stay in contact with them by being able to stop in their office easily.

Recommended Credit Repair Attorneys

We recommend using a Credit Repair Attorneys such as Lexington Law or XYZ Law Firm if you need to contact a Credit Repair Attorney.